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How to make a general payment or pay a balance due on your MindBody Account

Sometimes you may want to make a payment on your account. For example, your child gets some birthday money and you want to put that on your account as a credit towards future purchases.

There are also other options in the payment to your account such as paying your remaining swim team fee, a payment for Rich Center lesson packages, etc.

If your account balance is not negative, any payment to your account will be a credit towards future purchases, and will NOT have an expiration date.

If your account is negative, a payment to your account following this method will help take steps to ensure it is correct.

To make a payment:

  1. Using a WEB BROWSER (not the app) :
    Open the mind body software link
  2.  Click online store Tab
  3. Click “Account Payments”
  4. Select the appropriate feature (Choosing “Make a Payment or Deposit to my Account” is what most people will want)
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Click “Make Purchase”
  7. Follow on-screen directions to complete payment.

Video Directions

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