The pull to do this work had been on my heart for years.
Because this girl, had someone not said to her own mom the two magic words: “swim team” when she was 9 years old, believes, with her whole heart, that she would not know her place in this world.
I’ve taught these boys in lessons, and now I have had the opportunity to introduce them to the magic words “swim squad” (which is our version of team).
It’s challenging! But I can tell you this: each and every one of these individuals LOVES the water. The place I call home.
Giving kids the opportunity to discover the joy of the sport of swimming, the place where I never felt different, never felt out of place, the place where it was OK to pursue excellence without explanation or guilt… That is my WHY.
Sharing the MAGIC of the water has always been at my soul.
I love this work.
Thank you all for being a part of it.
Coach Caroline ??♀️

About the Author:
Coach Caroline is the founder of All Abilities Swim.
She is an Aquatics Professional with over 23 years experience teaching and coaching in aquatics, on top of her own state-level, collegiate, and masters swimming competitive swim background.
Before opening All Abilities Swim, Caroline founded Piranha Aquatics in Salem, Ohio where she served as the head coach for 10 years. Between her experience with Piranha Aquatics and prior coaching experiences in WV and GA, she has coached all the way from entry-level competitive swimmers to NCJAA All-Americans and every mix in between. Additionally she raised over $24,000 in grant funding for children with Autism and other special needs to learn to swim.
Outside of Aquatics, Caroline is married to her husband, Don, and they co-own YoFresh Meal Prep-a meal prep company that just launched in December of 2018. She is a published 2017 American Swim Coaches Association Fellow. She holds a BS in Early Childhood Education from Baldwin-Wallace College. Caroline works with birthmothers who have made adoption plans to provide ongoing support post placement. She also swims masters swimming, reads, plays piano and loves to be involved in passion projects.